The International Knowledge Center for the Local Environment.

The Knowledge Center for noise and other environmental annoyance has been set up at TNOin Delft the Netherlands.
The project originated in 1987 with a compilation study to establish dose-effect relationships for environmental noise. In the course of the project data was gathered from noise studies from various European countries. The effort it takes to make these studies comparable is considerable. In the course of this study methods were developed to compare different annoyance measures.
In 2002 a position paper for the EU was produced with relations for transportation noise and recently the results of a Dutch study on industry noise was added. The results look like this now:

Soon afterwards another study was commissioned to evaluate smell annoyance. In this case it is even tougher to line up different surveys.
In the course of these (and some other smaller) studies, a database of standardized noise/annoyance and smell/annoyance relationships was built up.

The scope of the knowledge center is:

to provide standardized reference material for future studies
to answer questions that cannot be answered -easily-by the single data.
For example:
Is traffic at intersections more annoying then free-flowing?
Are the dose-response curves really shifting in time?
What about impulse corrections?
to stimulate international coordination in the field of psycho-social research.

Present Contents

The present database -already containing 75.000 datapoints for noise and 4000 for smell- is the start of the knowledge center. The data is coming from high quality environmental research from all over the world. Every precaution has been taken to assure that the data are comparable.

What is to come next?


The topic center is funded by the Ministry of Environment on the base of a multiyear contract.

We are always interested in additional data and in interesting questions. Social surveys as well as inventories. IF you have anything of interest, and are willing to share, contact us PLEASE

More information can be had from TNO's web site

Or mail to:
{ henk dot miedema at dot tno dot nl}
(My apologies for these anti-spam addresses. Please replace the words -dot- and -at- by the appropriate symbols)